Thursday, 7 June 2012

My Day Eleven 070612

Moody + Sleepy mood m(_  _)m

why i will moody because of someone make me angry he again,massage ask me wait he back home ,ok im waiting he....
but when i really feel tired n has late he also haven massage me ....really make me feel like silly waiting someone...can't waiting he massage i has sleep ,when morning wake up see phone though he will massage me ,but is no any massage receive form he....haysss ~ he really make me angry he again...
this morning i know he will massage me, say for he reason, know for he reason ....after has argue with he again...what's should i do now....????
Danm tired & sleepy now ~ my eyes wan be small already zzzzZZZ.......
haysss ~ sad sad sad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

My Feel

I hate this feeling ....
always let me feel & thinking a lot bad things  ..
heart be uncomfortable
a lot of things make me so difficult ...~
feel be complicated ~
because of someone , make me got this feel to think this bad things....
let me got this feel has to give up he...
im don't know why have this feel
why will thinking that...
im love he ~
since we now is long distance cannot meet everyday....just can via FB massage
he is working at korea is a band
before with he we everyday will massage talking...feel very happy...
sometime will argue with he ....sometime we fanny talk...
after he told me will start busy practice ,cannot talk everyday....
but he promise me when have a time will 1st massage talk to me...
yay...he got do what he promise me...
after he start less talk to me...
im get angry he...after he told me wont happen again...
but problem be same happen again...will after two days just looking me...
always argue with he also same the problem...
sometime will let me feel dont wanted believe what he say to me ...
when miss he wanted talk to he,he are very very busy...
im will think really very busy over there....?take a time to rest massage me also cannot ...?
always angry he & argue with he cannot accompany talking ...

after im feel habit he be that...because even im always angry he also cannot change ..
this is he job....

before that i will very mind why he not looking me ,no massage talking with me...
i will very mind...
but this time my feel has to change...
before he told me after april finish busy ,may have time can same like before we talking...after will vacation with friends...
on may im angry he again, because my feel has start dont wanted talk to he ...when he looking msg me asking what im doin here ...i dint reply he ...he has gone away ....he know i dint reply he because im angry he ...he keep msg ask me talk to he ...after one week im just talk to he...he msg me again ...after we be a normal talk ...
after 3 days ..he dint msg me again ...after 4 days more msg me told me has start vacation with friends...
when he looking me i will late reply he ,sometime will feel dont wanted talk to he again ...but i dint do dont talk to he lahhh...just will late reply talk to he...
before me will fast reply he...but this time has change ...
wont asking why now just massage me ya..
this time is no ...really no mind ,sometime will ask what you doing there only....time will leave it after he saying ...
im feel really not get angry ...

feel let me know i n he has be change,
really not same with before ,we sweet talking....
i dont know is it both of us change or just im change....??
this pass days keep have this feel let me very toilful...!!!!
i have to try dont wanted to think this ....keep give my self chance
im scare im regret let he know i wanted give up he ...
im dont know how he will think...if let he know i has change want give up he....? how he will things...????
im love he ,but my feel keep think that let me uncomfortable...

im think did i told he is true or fault ... im scare after he im regret ...?
can let me stop feeling that...i dont want this bad feeling....

im hope after mine vacation dint has this feel again...hope can with he continue before with talking...

Thursday, 10 May 2012

My Day Ten 1005

My Feel ~ DOWN DOWN DOWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hayss ~ im very disappointed my friends...
make me very very angry him....
yesterday call he is date out together dinner with classmate...
Because we long time din't meet out together,just call  them wanna can join anot...
R is my friend is together me vacation phuket ...
C is me...

R told C cannot join...than fine....
C  told  R go facebook message group open C organize file...
R : don't want ...
C : why...?
R : because don;t wanted open...
R & C :is kidding talking ...
C :feel it R got somethings to say...ask R what things did you want tole me...?
R :nothing you will know soon...
C :seriously ask A what's up ....?
R :after you will know what is the problem....
C :is start angry keep asking A what is that....? fast saying...
C :50% is know what happen  A ...but still give chance R explain
R :still don't wonted to say....
C :give chance R still don't wanted say...fine angry till close R phone....
C :actually know the things already...just don't confirm is that i feeling that's things....?true anot ....
C :sms R ~ask R let C know did with join the trip... because a lot of people din't go C need go air-asia            separate booking do no show...
R :reply C cannot go already ~ you all luggage haven buy ...
C :final know the answer ignore R din't reply massage ....
C :before 2 weeks already know about R problem know R will wont goin...
R :say C can you don't help me decide ...
C : OK ..ASAP let me know did you will join us ...
R : give me 1 week to decide will let you know...
C: ok im wait your good news...
C: after one week has passed... try asking R did you will join us..?
R: join you guys going...
C: are you sure joining us ...ok im happy get R answer will join...

But now final let me know about R bad news ...
really really make me disappointed him...if not call R that's mean before depart just know about R din't join us ....????
my mood totally is be spoil ....
make me have a impulse cancel all whole trip..
tern back thinking did i do all arrangement is superfluous ....? why i will think that....
 because when i started organizes to all of my member  ...
.this trip total got 10 person goin
march or apirl got 4 of member say cannot join got somethings problem to do ...& 
bla bla bla some saying got own problem....
well...leave than 6 person ...but now 5 person only 
hayss...booked hotel before already unhappy for them because msg them nobody response me...
after im settle the hotel ...told them is book which hotel ....
ask them give some response ..
.they got give just ohh...
nobody caring the trip angry them ...
if im also same with them not caring depart of  there just arrange ...
im feel is waste the time~ ever mind than im go find all the information for phuket which area is famous people going & where got delicious foods to having...
im do all the sightseeing placed n location to them ...
im very happy to do all the arrangement for my vacation trip...
yesterday i msg to them have a look my propose for our trip arrangement...
highlight them must reply still not receive they reply...
Unfortunately im receive the bad news for R... 
seriously im think all of my arrange also rubbish....

TOTALLY SPOIL IT  SPOIL SPOIL SPOIL  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my heart totaly is giving them spoil it next time to arrange for them n vacation to them....
What should i do ....? im thinking did i still goin with leave it 4 person...

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

My Day Nine 0905

真的很气 !!!!
我真的很气 ,很气!!!!


Friday, 4 May 2012

My Day Eight 0305

Today at office quite busy ...
          busy for what ...?
1st is customer booking after finish hold on all the booking,
         because already finish do it urgent booking...heheh
   2nd is arrange mine phuket trip ....
im and my colleague will go on this month,but she will gion on next week ,
im will after she coming back that weekend going .

We both of us keep find information which more best price for tour snorkelling , delicious foods ,massage & shopping place....all of the trip is me advise friends no do anything's notice....hayssss
chinese calling what " 临时抱佛脚“ 

 Keep looking at cari forum find people recommend cari forum can find more information for  people been before recommend suggest....make us more interesting to know it all for phuket which battle go....

so fast time already 5.30 pm finish work....tomorrow to be continue find more information ....aza aza fighting !!!!! hehe

finish work with colleague having dinner sushi zanmai ...yeahhhh....long time dint eat already...miss so muchhhh....yum yum 
after finish eating walk awhile at sungai wang for find swim clothes for mine phuket trip..very trouble need prepare to thinking wear what swim to snorkelling !!!!! wear pikini ....hahaha sure will let friends laugh die...or wear cut in clothes n short pants beachwear or beachwear skirt haysss....any idea for me....???

At 6th floor bought it one cutie iphone4 case....Got spongebob ,doraemon , rilakkuma , paul frank , chicky & ribbon .....ahahha cute nehhhh

Hehehe ~ did this case cute....

My Day Seven 0205

Happy Happy Happy !!!!!!!!!!!

Im make again the name necklace , holidays back to work receive my order stuff ...hehe
Ding Ding !!!!
first is receive mine necklace ...
This Time order is Gold Plated + Express delivery
This time order more nice than before so much ....but this time worn will keep touch my neck did still be there....scare will season 2 again....hehe...

second is mine waterproof camera bought it my deal ....hehehe
Ding Ding
pinky pinky (^_-)
this waterproof camera actually not too expensive ,some of people thought will very expensive ....
dear friends just RM 29.90 only ...why will bought is for my phuket trip bring to snorkelling take picture...heheh

My Day Six

27 Apr - 01 May

烂臭公司就要我们所有人 compusealry 拿 leave,
就将就没有一天的annual leave 了,<死人他啊>
睡到十二一点起来,摸下摸下就两点多 ~
醒来吃,躺着看戏追on call 36 小时,
唉 ~ 真无聊哦。。。。

只有这和家人一起拍 ><
好累哦 !!!!将又过一天的~


哈哈哈~超无聊的我。。。Happy smiley emoticon (Happy Emoticons)Happy smiley emoticon (Happy Emoticons)Happy smiley emoticon (Happy Emoticons)

Thursday, 26 April 2012

My Day 2504

都没时间写不blog ~
嗨~ 烦 烦 烦 !!!!!!

咦 ~ 迟早变大肥婆哦。。。
哟 ~ 我不要 ...该控制下先。。。
今天吃了一包的 Nasi Lemak 有 sotong ,si ham 的。。。
过后Dubai 的 operator 又拿东西来给我们吃,都是巧克力cookies & 甜甜圈 ...emm 好香咯~

好香的cookies呀...yummy ~
甜甜圈 ~ 牛车轮 <回忆>

好好吃哦~很有回忆的牛车轮。。。yum yum
过还帮同事买了马来人的keropok ,又让我看见刚炸好的炸香蕉好香好香哦,又让我买来吃了。
下班又和同事吃了大吵 + 一对烧鸡翼 , 过后还去了金河走走,到六楼走走又让我看见新开的士林,哈哈哈~我又去买了sweet patato吃。。。嘻嘻嘻

Sweet Patato
我今天真的吃了好多的东西哦。。。即将会肥咯。。。呜呜 m(_ _)m
我是怎么了啊~ 吃那么多的。。。我的脑就不停的在想不停的在想着吃的东西哦。。。。吃 吃 吃 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
我真的佩服我自己可以一瞬间想出很多美食出啦,赞啊 ~~~ 哈哈哈

走走的时候看见同事在转蛋耶~不一见让我看到spongebob 呵呵 ~ 到我又转埋一份咯。。。哈哈哈哈哈


转到的是 ~ Lets Play Hard

哈哈哈~又有新朋友加入了HaPPy CheRRy SpongeBob ^^ '

“ Welcome to HaPPy CheRRy Spongebob Sweet House (^_-) ”

Spongebob真的能让你开心欢笑,当你不开心时他们都是给你微笑的笑容。。。嘻嘻 ~哈哈哈

Saturday, 21 April 2012

今天怎样的我 ~ 2004


今天工作不会很忙但还是有点事情做的啦 ~ 
无聊过度就叫同事们下载iphone app 的 Fring 玩玩是怎样的。。。
是个viedo call 只可以加入4个人一起聊天。。
<iphone app ~ Fring>

其他人都在~傻傻的我 。。。嘻嘻
正经时刻来了。。changchang !!!!!!!!!!
好累哦,真要回家休息回家追戏的,喂吃的同事要去 Jalan Pude 喂吃街吃炸鸡 ,六点多吃到九点多才走~超赞的我们一直聊到两个小时多我们都聊得很开心,可惜时间真的过得好快哦~~~~